Welcome to AISee’s documentation!#

API reference

This page provides a complete list of the functions, classes, and methods available in our library, with details of their functionality and parameters. If you need to understand how to interact with our library, this tool is for you. Click here to access the full API reference.


This page provides practical examples of how to use our library to perform specific tasks. These examples will help you understand how to make the most of our library. Click here to explore our examples.


This page provides information on how to contribute to our open source library in Python. From reporting bugs to submitting pull requests, you’ll find everything you need to get started with contributing. If you’re interested in being a part of our developer community, this module is for you. Click here to get started with contributing.

Getting Started

In this page, you will find everything you need to start using the library, from installation to training and predicting models. Follow our simple tutorials and practical examples to start classifying images in no time.

Indices and tables#